Despite its reputation for fiscal prudence, Germany appears determined to stick with a cash-based rather than an accruals system. Why is this? Despite its reputation for fiscal prudence, Germany appears determined to stick with a cash-based rather than an accruals system. Why is this? Something strange was recently flagged up in Germany’s government accounts. The finances looked good, dazzling even; finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble had just booked in millions of euros in revenue from the sale of federal bonds. But things weren’t really as they seemed, explained German newspaper Die Welt, citing analysis by firm Barkow Consulting. Like any other country, Germany issues sovereign bonds to raise money. It can also issue additional bonds under the terms of a previous offering. In an era of low interest rates, the latter offers a higher rate of return than issues that are new. Investors pay for this privilege with a premium on the price of the bond, which works to br...
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